Teen Poetry
by Shreya Dahal
You make me feel….

My feelings for you ooze out like lava,

You securely shield me with a cover;

Your genuine lips taste just like guava.

Why don’t you come here and be my lover?

The wind whispers your name with a quick swift,

As I fall over and melt in your arms;

You wined me up and give me a high lift,

Each morning you wake me with your alarms;

And you kiss me as I am mesmerized.

I think back to every moment we had,

You excite me with the biggest surprise;

You leave me with a big smile, never sad.

Baby you are the only one for me,

Open your eyes and tell me what you see.
Trapped inside me

I feel as though you stabbed me,

From the inside;

Creating unhealing scars and bruises.

I felt the sharpness digging into me

Poking my already wounded life;

You tore up everything,

Scratching away your guilt;

You grabbed what you could find,

And snatched away the truth;

You didn’t stop fighting for your part

Since you were trapped deep inside my heart.