County Board Approves Resolution Calling on Commissioner Bob Spindell to Resign from the Wisconsin Elections Commission

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi

March 8 -- At last night’s Dane County Board meeting the County Board approved a resolution urging Commissioner Bob Spindell to resign from the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission oversees numerous elections each year and maintains a list of the total number of active registered voters, and it is crucial the Wisconsin Elections Commission impartially and ethically upholds its duties and responsibilities granted to it by the Wisconsin State Legislature, according to the resolution.

“Mr. Spindell bragged about his role in an active conspiracy to suppress votes in largely Black and Hispanic areas of Milwaukee” said County Board Supervisor Anthony Gray (District 14).

“The residents of the State of Wisconsin deserve better than this kind of race-based undermining of their elections. It is hateful, despicable behavior, and he cannot be permitted to remain on our highest elections commission.”

The approved resolution indicates that the Dane County Board of Supervisors expresses its concern that Commissioner Spindell’s recent public statements call into question his ability to prioritize the interests of the residents of Wisconsin, including Black and brown residents and voters, and has undermined the credibility and effectiveness of the WEC in upholding the integrity of the electoral process.

The resolution can be found here: https://dane.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12668785&GUID=0B834841-E2C4-4E1C-AA50-3FC3046582A3